A little about me and my hope for you…
The name en l’air (French for “in the air”) is inspired by some early childhood memories of mine from a European airport. The date was 5/5/95 and I was 5 years old. It was a layover, a pause in an immigrant family’s journey from India to America.
30 years later, as I reflect on the moments that define us, this was one of them.
At the time, there was a lot that I didn’t know and perhaps the first time I was unknowingly introduced to the unknown in a grand way.
While my parents grieved our old life and sat with the discomfort of the unknown, I was lucky to be young and oblivious. In this oblivion, I was able to take in everything around me and be present with the freedom and curiosity that comes with new places and faces.
Since, airports and airplanes have been spaces of presence for me. Spaces that inspire both stillness and safety in the freedom of movement. Where I’m given time and space to pause, connect, and feel a sense of curiosity and expansion that often evades me in the day to day. Spaces of just pure presence and very little performance.
This is what I hope this space becomes for you.
A space to put the performance aside and become present with the truth of who you are. To find comfort and a sense of expansion in the unknown with the safety created by this very presence.
Where the ease within creates ripples of harmony without.
Your fellow aspiring non-performer